Small but Complete 560L,Ideal choice for smaller and expensive batches liquids.
Different from the bigger 1000L, IBC OF560 is specially designed with medium volume of 560L, quick
turnover is a useful alternative for manufacturers producing smaller, more frequent batches of the
high-value liquids, guaranteeing the quality and the operation efficiency.
A lot of cosmetics companies currently produce batches that are not evenly divisible by 1000L IBC.
Therefore the use of 500L IBC to hold smaller batch runs is more efficient that using a 1000L IBC;
Well suited to their small and medium sized customers who if they receive more than 500L volume per
container risk the product spoiling (shelf life) before they consume all;
Due to the very high value of bioscience products, 500L is quite useful when producing very
expensive but small batch vaccines, materials etc